Mouse Trap Booby Trap

Posted: 8th May 2011 by YardGnome
Categories: 1 Star, Fun, Project

Finished Mouse Trap Booby Trap project and boxes of pulling fireworks1 Star Difficulty




This is a fun device which uses a mouse trap to set off a fire­work “bur­glar alarm”. It can be placed out of sight near where some­one will dis­turb the trip string and — BAM! Watch them jump! A video overview of these instruc­tions is here.

MaterialsMaterials needed to make a Mouse Trap Booby Trap

clas­sic spring mouse­trap, string, glue, paint stir­rer (or sim­i­lar), pulling fireworks/booby traps

Tools needed for making a Mouse Trap Booby TrapTools

Essen­tial: small saw or knife, small clamps or clothes­pins or books or oth­er weights, pli­ers, pen or pen­cil, scis­sors or knife
Option­al: ruler, stapler


Illustrated locations of measurmentsMea­sure and Mark: place the mouse­trap length­wise on one end of the paint stir­rer, about 1/8″ from the end. Draw a line across the paint stir­rer at both ends of the mouse­trap. The line that is 1/8″ from the end will be called “Line A”, and the one that is a mousetrap’s length in from the end will be called “Line B”. Next, mea­sure 1 — 1/2 mouse­trap widths from Line B and make anoth­er line across the width of the stir­rer. This will be “Line C”. If you have a ruler, make the lines, at 1/8″ (Line A), at 4 — 1/8″ (Line B) and at 6 — 3/4″ (Line C)

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  1. YardGnome says:

    It would be fun to see videos of peo­ple get­ting “caught” with one of these. Post them to YouTube, and share the address here.

  2. parradoxx says:

    My broth­er used to nail me with these things all the time. We had a trap war for the bet­ter part of a year. I ought to build one just for old-timey sake!

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